LEVEL 1 - Find the Imposter

What you have to do is click the giant image of Ed Sheeran holding a corndog.

LEVEL 2 - Decode the Following

Using Caesar Cipher use each one of the letters given and shift them 3 letters to the left. Once you have done that for the whole string, you should ave the code, "the runt was a lie".

LEVEL 3 - Guess The Kittys Age

The answer to this level is random everytime. The only numbers it can be through is 1-10. So just guess everything between 1 and 10 and you should have the answer!

LEVEL 4 - Dark Web

To beat this level, you will need to click on the free robux link. Once you click that, you should see the secret code on the hacked picture. The code is "control a". Once you get that code, you go back to the Dark Web and put the code inside the text box and click check. DO NOT CLICK THE BUTTON CALLED "button" ON THE HACKED SCREEN!